HOLGATE – Holgate Village Council members learned during their Monday meeting that Administrator Jessica Randall is seeking a grant for water shutoff valve replacement.
Randall hopes to obtain an 80/20 grant of $126,000 for replacement of water shutoff valves under the railroad tracks. The village would be responsible for 20% of the project cost.
The current valves are not operable. This means that if there is an issue now where water needs turned off it would require shut-off further down the line, affecting more residents.
Trees and sidewalks were once again topics of discussion. Mayor Elva Wyandt requested council set a village policy concerning damages to sidewalks caused by trees in the village right-of-way. It was decided that the village will be responsible for removing the tree and repairing the sidewalk damaged in this situation. The policy will need to be officially approved in ordinance form, according to Village Solicitor Anthony Johnson.
The ordinance would address issues beginning next year. Randall will continue efforts to take care of the trees approved this year and the previous year. One problem is the lack of follow-through by vendors hired to remove trees.
Sidewalk replacement otherwise was also discussed. Council set aside $10,000 in 2018 for a contractor to replace sidewalks in need of repairs if the property owner chooses not to do it. Those bills could be paid outright or assessed on property taxes. Repaid funds went back into the budge line item to be used for more sidewalk replacements.
Fiscal Officer Sally Briggs noted there are six property owners with outstanding bills, but the paperwork has not yet been located.
A quote of $18,000 was received from Watson Well Drilling for the repairs or replacement of pumps and motors in wells 3 and 4. The claim will be turned in to village insurance. Council has approved the expenditure if the claim is not approved.
The damage occurred when one-phase was lost from the three-phase power from Toledo Edison. This caused a burn-out of the pumps and motors.
The village is still seeking a zoning administrator and general laborer.
Holgate village offices will be closed Aug. 5 as staff and elected officials will attend training in Findlay.
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